Catalog Data Manager

class energyplus_pet.data_manager.CatalogDataManager[source]

Bases: object

This class represents a data manager for the entire catalog data set. This includes the primary tabular data, plus any correction factors applied to the data. While the equipment definitions define the types of data, the data manager actually stores the data. The equipment instances read data from the catalog data manager when processing parameters.

class ProcessResult(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

OK = 1
add_base_data(data: List[List[float]]) None[source]

Add base data as a list of data point rows, so the array lookup should be data[row][column]. The data should already be in the calculation_unit for each column.

Right now this function does not do any checks on the data because the tabular forms are supposed to handle all of that, and the apply_correction_factors function does a bunch of checking as well.


data – Catalog base data set in proper units



add_correction_factor(cf: CorrectionFactor) None[source]

Add a completed correction factor, with summary data and detailed data.


cf – A correction factor instance, expecting to be fully fleshed out with summary and detailed data.



apply_correction_factors(minimum_data_points: int, db_column: int, wb_column: int) ProcessResult[source]

Process the base data and correction factors to create one large full dataset. Validates the data against a series of tests for data diversity and infinite/out-of-range.


A ProcessResult enum instance for the success of the process. If ERROR, then there is a last_error_message member variable with an explanation of what went wrong.

reset() None[source]

Resets the catalog data manager to an original state.



summary() dict[source]

Returns a string representation of the catalog data manager as it currently exists